1. Purpose of the Policy
This policy sets out Broadstairs Consulting Ltd’s (“we”, “our”, “us”) approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (“DEI”). We are dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst its employees, members and associated organisations. It is within our best interest to promote DEI and recognise that people from different backgrounds and experiences can bring valuable insights to us and enhance the work we do with customers and within the community. We believe in the import of equity over equality, and want to ensure that our operations reflect that distinction. Our aim is to be an inclusive organisation which is representative of all sections of society, pro-actively tackling and eliminating discrimination in all its policies and processes.
2. Definition: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
2.1 For us, diversity is like a mosaic of people from all walks of life, who bring a variety of backgrounds, styles, perspectives, values and beliefs as assets to all those with whom they interact. Each person is an individual with visible and non-visible differences and by respecting this everyone can feel valued for their contributions. This is beneficial not only for the individual but also for us as we interact with a wide range of people day-to-day.
2.2 Equality means having practices and policies that are just, transparent, and consistent, and is about breaking down barriers, eliminating discrimination and ensuring equal opportunities and access for all groups. But equity involves creating practices and policies that ensure all groups can thrive. We recognize that peoples’ experiences are not the same, and therefore adjustments are necessary to enable fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement. We believe it is important that help and encouragement is given to support everyone to develop their full potential and utilise their unique talents.
2.3 Our vision is to foster a culture of inclusion for employees, consultants, freelancers, and organisations we are affiliated with (regardless of background), where people have a sense of belonging, feel valued, supported and inspired to achieve their individual goals.
2.4 We acknowledge that diversity, equity and inclusion are not only inter-changeable but inter-dependent and by capitalising on these we cultivate diversity of thought, connectedness and innovative solutions in the sector we serve.
3. Our Commitment
- To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all employees and members are recognised and valued.
- To create inclusive environments that promote dignity at work and mutual respect.
- To not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying, or harassment, and to discipline those that breach this policy.
- To make training courses and workshop opportunities accessible to all employees and members.
- To promote equity in the workplace, which we believe is good management practice and which makes sound business sense.
- To encourage anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns so we can apply corrective measures.
- To ensure that all talks, courses, training and workshops comply with DEI standards.
- To regularly review all our employment practices and procedures so that fairness is maintained and equity is considered at all times.
4. Scope
4.1 In complying with the Equality Act 2010 (the “Equality Act”), this policy reinforces our commitment to provide equality and fairness to all our employees, members and not provide less favourable facilities or treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or belief, or sex and sexual orientation.
4.2 The Equality Act aims to protect individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society and offers special encouragement to those from disproportionately under-represented or otherwise disadvantaged groups. The protected characteristics in the Equality Act are age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief (or no belief); sex; or sexual orientation.
4.3 Discrimination can be direct or indirect and it may occur intentionally or unintentionally.
4.4 Direct discrimination occurs where someone is put at a disadvantage for a reason related to one or more of the grounds set out above. For example, rejecting an application from a person of one race because it is considered they would not “fit in” on the grounds of their race could be direct discrimination.
4.5 Indirect discrimination is where any condition, rule or benefit when applied has a greater negative effect upon one group of people, such as women, than another.
4.6 Discrimination also occurs when someone is treated less favourably because they have complained about being discriminated against. This is treated as victimisation (suffering less favourable treatment because you have taken action to assert your right not to be discriminated against or to assist a colleague in that regard) and harassment.
4.7 If an employee or member is disabled or becomes disabled they are encouraged to tell us about their condition. They should also advise the appropriate body of any reasonable adjustments they require to assist them in the performance of their duties.
5. Personnel Responsible for Implementation of DEI Policy
5.1 The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the effective operation of the DEI policy and for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws prohibiting discrimination.
5.2 Management and the Board of Directors are responsible for the success of this policy and must ensure that they familiarise themselves with DEI policy and act in accordance with its aims and objectives. The DEI policy will be regularly reviewed, by management and the Board of Directors to ensure that it is continuously improved and developed in line with relevant legislation and best practice.
5.3 All employees, members, associated organisations and also associated persons such as contractors have a duty to act in accordance with this policy and promote the aims and objectives of our DEI policy. All employees, consultants and freelancers are encouraged to develop their skills and fulfil their potential and to take advantage of training, development and progression opportunities that we offer.
5.4 No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated. If an individual believes, either as our employee, consultant or freelancer, that they may have suffered discrimination because of any of the above protected characteristics mentioned, they should consider seeking an informal resolution in the first instance with their line manager or with the Founder of the organisation.
5.5 Allegations made by an employee or consultant or freelancer regarding potential breaches of this policy will be treated in confidence and investigated in accordance with the appropriate procedure. We will ensure that individuals who make such allegations in good faith will not be victimised or treated less favourably by us as a result. However, false allegations of a breach of this policy which are found to have been made in bad faith will be dealt with under our code of conduct. A person found to have breached this policy may be subject to disciplinary action under our Disciplinary Policy.
5.6 Those persons who are participating in our activities and who make an allegation regarding a potential breach of this policy will be treated in confidence and investigated in accordance with the appropriate procedure. We will ensure that individuals who make such an allegation in good faith will not be victimised or treated less favourably by us as a result. However, false allegations of a breach of this policy which are found to have been made in bad faith will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
5.7 Employees, consultants, freelancers, and affiliated organisations may also be personally liable for any acts of discrimination prohibited by this policy that they commit, meaning that they can be sued by a victim.
6. When Does this Policy Apply to?
6.1 This policy applies to all the employment, activities, services and membership which we undertake. We set out below some specific areas of application:
Recruitment and Selection
6.2 We aim to ensure that no job applicant receives less favourable treatment on account of any of the unlawful grounds listed in section 4 above.
6.3 Advertisements, whether internal or external, must indicate an intention to promote a commitment to our DEI policy and diverse and inclusive environment.
6.4 Adverts on our website need to ensure that they promote fairness, inclusion and welcome applications from all sections of our society. In short, to ensure that no one is excluded or disproportionately disadvantaged because of their background due to their particular age, gender, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, race/ethnicity, disability and/or carer status.
Membership Experience
6.5 We aim to ensure and promote DEI through teaching and learning, and also in the selection, enrolment, assessment and progression of employees, consultants and freelancers. We want to ensure and promote DEI in our client offering as well as working with affiliated organisations to work well in multicultural, multiracial, diverse societies and communities.
6.6 From time to time we may capture diversity demographics to enable us to promote the diverse and inclusive environment.
6.7 We will inform all employees, consultants, freelancers and affiliated organisations and any other associated persons that a DEI policy is in operation and that everyone is obligated to comply with its requirements and promote fairness in the workplace.
6.8 The DEI policy is supported by management and the Board of Directors.
7. Diversity Monitoring
7.1 We are committed to devising and implementing appropriate methods of monitoring and evaluation for our DEI policy in the future. When complete, the statistical analysis obtained through the diversity monitoring will help to identify and to diagnose any problems or issues for employees, consultants, freelancers, and clients. The monitoring will also enable us to review the effectiveness of our DEI policy and identify actions that may need to be taken in the implementation of the policy. An update to this policy will follow in due course.
You may contact us by post or email if you have any questions about this here:
FAO: Director
Broadstairs Consulting Ltd
42A High Street
Kent, CT10 1JT
We keep our DEI policy under regular review. This DEI policy was published on 8 March 2023 and was last updated on 8 March 2023. We may change this DEI policy from time to time, when we do so we will inform you via e-mail and we will post a new version to this website.